TC-10 10" LCD Touchpanel, Thin Client Computer

Here's a recent project. Everyone needs a touch panel computer mounted on the wall of their kitchen, right?
Well - it's not on the wall yet, but soon, this Geode powered 10" lcd touchpanel monster ($299US from EarthLCD) will be hanging in the kitchen. Ideally, it'll be running Damn Small Linux, and give us net access, Skype access, and web interface for all the home monitoring/home automation projects yet to come.
Right now it boots from an external CD live image of DSL. I haven't managed to get it to boot from the Compact Flash yet. That's been frustrating, So I'm thinking i'll just attach a 2.5" hard drive from a laptop. That should solve all the problems because the CF card can't be hda - it's always hdc. The hard drive will be able to be hda, so it shouldn't be a problem to do a frugal install to it.
And if you have any idea what I just said - cool. Drop me a line.
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